
Advice to help energy and water customers answer common queries and resolve complaints, including customer stories and extra support.


Authority to act

How to give someone authority to speak to EWOQ on your behalf.


Tips and advice on energy and water topics, including saving money and finding the best deal for you.

Customer stories

Stories about how we've helped customers with their energy and water complaints.

List of scheme participants

Links to companies who are licensed to provide energy or water in Queensland who are members of our scheme.

Embedded networks

An explanation of embedded networks and EWOQ's embedded network service for exempt sellers and embedded network customers.

Support & assistance

Links to assistance and support for finance, legal and housing issues.

For community workers

Advice and resources to support people who work with vulnerable clients.

Customer surveys

How we get customer feedback through regular surveys, why your opinion matters and how we use the results.

Make a complaint

Read our complaints process, the types of complaints we help with and how to submit a complaint.

Contact us

Find out how to contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland.