Advisory Council

The Energy and Water Ombudsman Advisory Council advises the Minister for Energy and Clean Economy Jobs, Minister for Regional Development and Manufacturing and Minister for Water and the Energy and Water Ombudsman on the operation of the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland scheme.

It ensures the scheme runs effectively, efficiently, lawfully and independently, and is fair for all customers and scheme participants.

Council functions

The Advisory Council:

  • monitors the Ombudsman's independence
  • advises the Ombudsman on policy and procedural issues relating to the Energy and Water Ombudsman Act 2006
  • advises the Ombudsman on the operation of the Act for customers
  • advises the Ombudsman on preparing budgets, budget guidelines and the annual report
  • advises the minister on funding of the Ombudsman’s functions
  • at the end of the financial year, advises the minister on the Ombudsman's independence and functions throughout that financial year.


The Advisory Council's structure gives the Ombudsman a range of experiences and viewpoints.

The Council has one chairperson and at least 6 other members appointed by the Minister.

The chairperson is independent of the interests of scheme participants and consumers.

The other members are made up of equal numbers of:

  • industry members – from scheme participants who represent industry interests
  • consumer members – from groups who represent consumer interests.

Members (as at January 10, 2024)

Independent chair

  • Rowena McNally

Industry representatives

  • Anthony Hamill
  • Chris Owen
  • Iain Graham
  • Martin Seri
  • Melanie Lawrie
  • Rob Howes

Consumer representatives

  • Damian Finitsis
  • Ian Jarratt
  • Scott Brown
  • Robyn Robinson

Payments for members

Council members may receive a payment to acknowledge their contribution to the community.

These payments are based on the Queensland Government’s guideline: Remuneration of part-time chairs and members of government boards, committees and statutory authorities.


The EWOQ Advisory Council handbook (PDF, 220.11 KB) outlines the Council’s roles and responsibilities.

Code of conduct

The Council’s Code of conduct (PDF, 93.44 KB) helps members meet the responsibilities outlined in the handbook.

The code doesn’t instruct them on how to perform their role, but contains ethics, principles and values that members have agreed to practice.

The code is consistent with the Public Sector Ethics Act 1994.


Phone the Advisory Council Secretariat on 07 3212 0622.