
Online services

Read these terms and conditions before accessing any of our online services, including our website and social media channels.

Also see our information about accessibility.

Our website

This website provides general information only.

We work hard to ensure the site is accurate, reliable, complete and up to date. However, we can’t guarantee that the:

  • information is totally accurate or complete
  • website is free of computer viruses or other potential infections.

EWOQ isn’t responsible or liable for any expenses, losses, damages or costs you might suffer if the information is inaccurate or incomplete.

Our website and our social media pages also have links to other websites and documents. We provide these for your interest and because the information is relevant to what we do.

However, EWOQ doesn’t create, control or approve this content, so isn’t responsible for any consequences of reading or using it.

We have designed and developed our website to ensure as many users as possible can use it, including people with:

  • disabilities who may use assistive technologies
  • slower internet connections
  • hand-held devices and mobile phones.

Social media

Currently EWOQ has 4 social media channels:

We use these channels to:

  • increase awareness about our services and activities
  • refer consumers to relevant information resources and assistance.

We monitor our social media accounts during business hours Monday to Friday, except on public holidays.

Energy and water consumers, and other stakeholders, can send us queries or comments about matters relevant to our jurisdiction.

We try to respond to queries by the end of the next business day.

Complaints via social media

Please don’t submit complaints to us via social media. Instead, submit an online complaint form or call us on 1800 662 837.

Our guidelines for use

Positive and negative feedback is helpful to us, but please observe the following guidelines for using our social media channels.

While we support lively, open discussion, we may block any person whose posts breach these guidelines or are otherwise inappropriate:

  • Avoid publishing comments on an ongoing EWOQ investigation.
  • Be respectful and consider other points of view when commenting. We can’t allow content, or links to content, that is offensive, defamatory, obscene, threatening, or inappropriate for an all-age audience.
  • Don’t publish any personal information – yours or someone else’s.
  • Make sure your comments are relevant to energy and water issues or our services.
  • Don’t spam, troll or advertise on our channels. We remove multiple, duplicated or repetitive posts that don’t educate or encourage constructive discussion.

We may follow organisations or people who are relevant to EWOQ or industries we operate in. However, this doesn’t imply that we endorse these organisations or people.

We regularly archive our channels for future analysis and to comply with recordkeeping requirements.

Contact us if you have any questions about this information.

Personal information

You can use the EWOQ website without providing any personal information. However, we may collect information through our website via online forms and cookies.

Read our privacy page for more information about how we collect, use, store and disclose personal information.